Spring Again, and Summer Part Two December 11, 2023봄은 다시, 여름으로 두 번째 이야기 Offering a fantasy approach to our Korean Classic Reader series, follow the second and final instalment of the novella. Spring Again, and Summer...
The Deeper the Darkness the Brighter the Stars Shine December 11, 2023어둠이 깊어질수록 별은 더욱 빛난다 Our second book offers a slice-of-life approach to reading. Follow our main character, Kim Ji-Min in her life in Busan, South Korea. Jane Eyre, 1847,...
Spring Again, and Summer Part One December 11, 2023Our first Korean Graded reader in the series the Korean Classic Reader.
What you need to know about the Korean Classic Reader December 11, 2023How does this series help you grow in your language-learning journey?
Korean Cuisine and Graded Readers December 11, 2023Learn to cook Korean food in your own home using easy-to-read Korean magazines to help you.
What is a graded reader and why do I need to use them? September 11, 2023Understand what a graded reader is and how it can help you in your Korean studies.